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"CertBank" is the first online platform dedicated to managing the complex requirements of ANY certificate, certification, accreditation or micro-credential program!

"CertBank" automation takes the Work out of Workflow by automating all those pesky tasks you track on spreadsheets.

"CertBank" allows you to Brand your system exactly like your site, our team of designers match to you exactly so a seamless interaction for your customer is easy. 

Created by Educators! Supported by Educators! For Educators! AND Loved by Students!

CertBank is an online cloud based platform created by educators. Dedicated to providing a streamlined workflow for students, teachers and certifying bodies. 

CertBank can stand alone or can be integrated with your database.  Whether you run Salesforce, iMIS, one of the Community Brand Suite of Products, if it has an API (application interface) we can integrate.  

CertBank eases the management of the program(s) to allow you and your team to focus on:

  • your training
  • your students
  • your teachers
  • your reviewers and
  • your mission
 CertBank can consume your history even if it is in excel spreadsheets, provides student, teacher and reviewer self service, delivers online badges and makes complex requirements easy!
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