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Get Efficient

Lean Process Mapping

Reducing Work from Workflow.

Today's organizations are working extremely hard while struggling to get it all done. There's a constant theme of "too much work and not enough staff," which is only compounded by budget constraints and legacy technology systems that don't meet evolving needs. So in your quest to do things faster, better, smarter and cheaper, where do you start? Just call on the experts at Get Efficient. We'll guide you through the maze of process improvement using a methodology called LEAN Business Process Mapping.

 LEAN Process Improvement principles are a Japanese approach to efficiency that can simplify and optimize business processes in nearly any industry area—from manufacturing to healthcare to non-profit. The process dates back more than a century, though its principles were refined and branded as "LEAN" in the 1990s by car maker Toyota.

A fundamental element of LEAN Process Improvement is producing a process map—which is a core specialty of the consultants at Get Efficient. We guide our clients through the process map development process during a hands-on intake meeting. Picture energized brainstorming sessions, and the steps of your processes fashioned on post-it notes around the room. This simple technique quickly pinpoints duplicate, unnecessary and missed steps in your processes. During the meeting, the post-it notes are removed or relocated as your process is improved, with each stage of development captured using a digital camera. The resulting process map can then be used as the cornerstone for new, streamlined workflows in your organization—and a starting point for Get Efficient to recommend technology solutions to help power your new process.  

Do you need LEAN Business Process Mapping?

Check all that apply:

  • People in my organization have to “re-type” the same data in multiple systems (for example, we have to re-enter data from our event system into our CRM and AMS)
  • Our systems don’t “talk” to each other. Data isn’t being shared or integrated.
  • We're still doing things manually in places where we know automation can help.
  • Our information is not easily accessible online. We're still delivering data to our customers in hardcopy  or PDF.
  • We work in silos, and key personnel are not aware of their colleagues' activities within our process.
  • We're duplicating efforts. Some of our staff members execute tasks that are very similar to the tasks of other staff members.

Checked Any of the Above?

Your organization would benefit from business process mapping using LEAN.  We can help! Let's Talk.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

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